Alicia looking tres' lovely at the premiere of her new movie, Smokin' Aces (due in theaters january 26th). Lovin' that dress Ms. Keys-- Classy and stylish!!
Inga, Inga, Inga!!!
*Sophia from The Color Purple voice* Now I love Ms. Foxy, lawd knows I do but somebody needs to beat her ass for leaving the house with that pinkish/purplish lipstick on. Now we know you may not be ballin' like you used to as evidenced my the pippie longstocking braids you're sporting but lipstick won't cost you but $15 bucks at the most. Hell, swing your ass by a MAC counter and get that face beat girl. You definitely need some help in determining the shades that best compliment your skintone because that mess right there, AIN"T WORKING!!!
The Answer to yesterday's "Guess Who"
is none other than: Sean Paul, the dance hall reggae king. How many of you guessed correctly?
(Stop Lying!!!! Ya'll know you didn't know who it was---ctfu)
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