Disney's "Year of Million Dreams Ad Campaign

Scarlette Johansson as Cinderella

Oliver Platt, the Mad Hatter, and Lyle Lovett as the March Hare joining Beyonce' as Alice in Wonderland

David Beckham as Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty

Celebrity photographer Annie Leibovitz has turned soccer star David Beckham into Sleeping Beauty's prince slaying a dragon, and singer Beyonce Knowles into Alice spinning through Wonderland, for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts' next set of ads. Leibovitz and resorts and parks chairman Jay Rasulo unveiled a series of dramatic photographic scenes she created involving Beckham, Beyonce and others that will appear later this year in major magazines including Vanity Fair, GQ and The New Yorker. Leibovitz also photographed actress Scarlett Johansson dressed as Cinderella running down the steps of Cinderella Castle with the caption, "Where every Cinderella story comes true." The announcements culminated a three-day press event in which Disney trumpeted its "Year of a Million Dreams" campaign, which awards unsuspecting park guests at random with prizes ranging from sheriff for a day at Frontierland to a night's stay in Cinderella's castle.Leibovitz said her photos, taken in December, were the first in a series featuring additional, to-be-named celebrities. Disney intends to use them in magazine ads for its "Dreams" contest.

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