Barack Obama Has Usher's Vote

Barack Obama Has Usher's Vote

If you didn't know better, you would've thought you were at an  Usher concert. The singer was there. There was a crowd, on its feet and screaming their heads off. But Usher wasn't singing. He was there to urge people to register to vote. He spoke to more than 100 campaign volunteers and fans at Barack Obama's headquarters in Detroit. He called for support of a voter registration drive for Obama's campaign and the Michigan Democratic Party. Usher said even those who are too young to vote can make a difference in November, by urging older family members to go register and then go to the polls. Usher  also shared his thoughts on the importance of voting and babershops in the community.   "This is where you get all the hottest topics," Usher said about barbershops. "This is where you get the hottest flavor, the flavor of the week, the flavor of the month. This is where you actually get a chance to bond with your brothers, and this is where I think a lot of the conversation needs to go. A campaign like this campaign it's gonna very very positive, and I think getting the word out about Barack Obama and voting for him this time.

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